Saturday, January 31, 2015

Get Back In Your Kitchen!

I see this scenario too often. You’re busy with work, school, household chores, or fill-in-the-blank. The last place you turn your attention to is the kitchen. This is a mistake! Your performance in every other area of your life depends on what happens in your kitchen. Let me explain.

When you delegate food growth, production, and preparation to industries, you will generally find that their greatest interest lay in profit margins. This often results in culture, the environment, and ultimately our health being compromised. Healthy cooking or food preparation of your own foods assists you in taking full control of your life.

If we really knew how most of the food we eat was grown, handled, and treated most of us would think twice before eating it. Preparing your own food is the best way to control what is best for ourselves. Does the guy running the machinery in the factory truly care about your health? Does the cook at the local diner? Does the Mad Man at the advertising agency?

When you start preparing your own food, you will find that you start to reconnect with your body, and when you eat out or occasionally fall back on some processed food you will understand how that affects you. When you take the time to purchase, stock, and prepare the whole, clean foods you and your family consume, you are far more in control of exactly what goes into your body, and you will feel better, think clearer, and see better results from your workouts. Remember, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet! 

When you buy pre-made or processed food you are giving that power and control to others that do not have your best interested in mind.  Don’t give away your power! Be a little bit of a control freak. Of course, we all find ourselves eating out from time to time, and we make the best choices we can when we do. However, we can strive to find a little time for meal planning, and food prep during our week. It takes no more time to create a healthy meal at home than it does to drive to the take-out place, order, and wait for them to do it for you (with who knows what ingredients!) It’s also cheaper!

So, will you let your inner control freak out for a bit this week?


  1. Yes! I love cooking my own food and knowing exactly what I am eating .... the decision to make my own food helps when I do go out to eat or to a potluck, I find I make better choices!!,

    1. That's great to hear Stephanie! Being thoughtful with your food has brought you great results.
