Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Reset Bloodwork Results are AMAZING

I'm so excited to report the results of my lipid panel after doing the Ultimate Reset!

I've struggled with high blood lipids my entire life. At one point my triglycerides were as high as 575! (normal is <150)
I can't remember ever having a normal cholesterol profile. Well I'm here to tell you that I've now got the best numbers of my entire 53 years!

Here are my before and after the Ultimate Reset numbers:

Total Cholesterol      218      185        Normal <200
HDL                         40          40        Normal >39
LDL                         151      123         Normal <99
Triglycerides            137      111         Normal <150

Let me do the math for you: my total cholesterol dropped 33 points, LDL (the BAD cholesterol) is down 28 points, and triglycerides are down 26 points. My HDL (good cholesterol) held steady.
I'd still love to see my HDL creep up a bit and my LDL go down, but my doctor no longer threatens me with statin drugs (I will NEVER take them), and my heart disease and diabetes risk are low.

My commitment to regular exercise and a clean eating program has lowered my lipid profile significantly over the last two years. In March of 2013 my total cholesterol was 278 and in March of 2012 my triglycerides were at 316! My HDL was only 30 and my LDL was at 194. Not a healthy lipid profile, at all.

When did you last have your labs done? It's great to assess your complete health profile, including fitness tests, cancer screenings and bloodwork, on at least an annual basis. Go call your doctor for an appointment now!

Need help getting started on a good fitness and meal plan? Message me at and I'll share some program options with you. My coaching group has a new 21 day challenge starting June 2nd!

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